Bulmore Lido, Caerleon, Wales
BBuullmmoorree LLiiddoo,, CCaaeerrlleeoonn,, WWaalleess

Bulmore Lido, Caerleon, Wales

Bulmore Lido, on the banks of the River Usk, became Newport’s favourite out-of-town resort in the 1930s.

Built in 1934, a private company acquired land on part of Bulmore Farm, Caerleon, on which to build the open air swimming pool, as well as a cafe and restaurant.

Entry was via an old iron turnstile entrance, manned by Ethel Pember, who would press her foot on a pedal, which unlocked the old heavy contraption, and allowed passage. The gate would then lock again with a clunk.

Opened to members of the public in July, they flocked there in their hundreds on clement days, travelling by specially timed omnibuses, on foot and by bicycle.

Bulmore’s popularity held in varying degrees for the next 55 years until its waning fortunes finally fell victim to the changing tastes of a much more affluent, adventurous and wide-ranging society.